3 Reasons To Support HB 300 in Kentucky —and To Abolish Abortion NOW

Watch the video above or read the article below.

This week a new abortion bill was introduced in Kentucky, HB 300. Here are three reasons to support it — followed by some actionable steps on how to do that.

Reasons to Support the Bill

#1. The bill declares the equal value of all humans.

It says, “Innocent human life, created in the image of God, should be equally protected under the laws from fertilization to natural death."

It’s Genesis 1:27 that tells us God created man in his own image—the implication being that every human has innate immeasurable value, because our nature reflects the nature of God. And that is true for every single human being, regardless of their differences.

In Psalm‬ ‭139‬‬, which is a prayer to God, it says, “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.”

By saying “you knitted me together in the womb,” the psalmist shows that he was himself when he was in the womb. That means that the developing, preborn child is the same person that he will be once he’s born—a unique living human being.

Modern science now agrees with that, since we’ve learned that all of a person’s unique DNA is present at the moment of fertilization. You were, genetically, the same human being then that you are now.

So, putting two and two together: every human life has immeasurable value, and every human life—with all of its value—begins at fertilization. This bill affirms that.

#2. The bill establishes equal justice for all humans.

It says, "All persons potentially subject to Kentucky homicide laws are entitled to due process protections.”

So, having established that pre-born children are human persons with equal value to the rest of us, the bill makes it so that they’re covered by the same homicide laws as the rest of us— which is only logical.

Genesis‬ ‭9‬:‭6‬‭ says, “Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for God made man in his own image.” That’s the model homicide law, where the punishment fits the crime, and is appropriate to the value of the victim.

Proverbs 20:10 says unequal weights and measures are an abomination to the Lord. So you don’t have one set of homicide laws for one type of human, and another set of homicide laws for another type of human. All humans in your jurisdiction should be under the same law.

You would think we would’ve learned that by now in the history of this country, but here we are. And this bill will finally set the record straight here in the state of Kentucky.

#3. The bill establishes equal protection for all humans.

It says, "To ensure the right to life and equal protection of the laws, all preborn children should be protected with the same homicide laws protecting all other human persons.”

So, the bill will add abortion to the homicide code, providing as much protection to pre-born children as to anyone else. It would ensure that anyone involved in an abortion, including parents, can be penalized the same as if they were involved in the murder of someone who was already born.

Again, that is simply the logical extension of the fact that pre-born children are just as human and just as valuable as any of us.

And that means the bill criminalizes not only clinical abortion but also chemical abortion. It’s saying all murder is bad.

Now that doesn’t mean that every time there’s an abortion there would be a homicide conviction. What it means is that it will be treated the same as any other homicide, including prosecutorial discretion and the entire judicial process, accounting for motives and mitigating circumstances, and everything. Anyone indicted is considered innocent until proven guilty. It’s just the same as any other murder case.

Deuteronomy 16:19 says, “You shall not pervert justice. You shall not show partiality…”

Partiality is when your laws and your judgments favor one person over another because of who they are rather than because of what they’ve done. It’s when you protect a certain group of people less than another, or you shield a certain group from punishment when you wouldn’t do that for another group.

That’s wrong, and as I explained in my previous video, that’s what current Kentucky abortion law does. This bill fixes that.

So, those are three reasons to support the bill. Now for how to support it. There are four ways.

How to Support the Bill

#1. Call and email your legislators.

You can find who your legislators by clicking here, and locating where you live on the map. When you click that region, it should tell you who your congressperson and your senator are, and you can follow the links to their pages which has their contact information.

Now, I know: for those who have never done this before, it can feel intimidating. But this is about life and death and justice, so I urge you to push through the uncomfortability of it and just do it.

Remember, those representatives are there to represent you. So, you’ve got to let them know how they should do that. And really, they should appreciate hearing from you, because it lets them know where their constituents are at on this issue.

So just call the number or write them an email that says something like this:

Hello Representative [NAME]. My name is [NAME], and I live in [District #].  I’m calling to request that you vote YES on HB 300, The Prenatal Equal Protection Act.

Every human deserves the same level of protection, and, as we all know, human life begins at fertilization. So, it’s only right that we protect all human life from fertilization. So again, please vote YES on this bill.

I know there’s going to be pressure to do otherwise, but now is the time to be BOLD in doing what is right before God. So that is my request, and I thank you for your time.

If they have previously voiced opposition to abortion, you could add something like,

Please make good on your word to end abortion in the of state of Kentucky.

It can be that simple. And for your convenience, I’ve put that little script down in the description of this video, so you can use that as reference, or copy and paste it.

#2. Attend the rally.

The second way to support this bill is to join the rally at the Kentucky State Capitol (in Frankfort) on February 17 at 10:00am. This is a rally in support of the bill, and it’s going to be important to have as many people there as possible so that the legislators see there’s a lot of support for this. If it’s at all possible, please be there!

#3. Tell your pastor about the bill and encourage him to mobilize your congregation.

Every church member in Kentucky should call their legislators, and as many as possible should go to the rally. That’s how we can make a big enough of an impression to ensure this bill passes.

#4. Tell your family and friends about this bill and encourage them to take action as well.

One way you can do that is by posting about this on social media using the hashtags #AAKY, #AbolishAbortionKY and #AbolishAbortionKYBill. If you’re on Twitter, you can look for your legislators there and tweet them about this, because Twitter is where politicians often like to hang out. Of course, feel free you share this article and the above video on your social media as well.

Do It Now!

So those are some ways you can take action on this bill, and I urge you to do it right now, because the current legislative session is a short one, so we’ve got to make some noise about this immediately so that we can get this bill passed.

If you have any questions or input, send your comments my way and I’ll respond as soon as possible.

Now is the time to put the final nail in the coffin of abortion in the state of Kentucky.

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Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


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