Ministry Web Page
To give you an idea of how I could write and edit content for your ministry website, the following is an example of my work: the “About Us” page on the website of Bashford Manor Baptist Church, a Southern Baptist church in Louisville, KY. I wrote some parts myself, and edited other parts from existing copy written by other members of the ministry.
We are Bashford Manor Baptist Church.
The most important thing about us is what we’re about. Above all, we’re about the gospel (the good news) of Jesus Christ, which is this:
God created humans to be with him — to be in a loving relationship with him, glorifying and enjoying him forever.
We sinned against God, and our sin separates us from him. He is morally perfect, and each of us are evil - we lie, steal, lust, misuse his name, etc. - so we cannot have a relationship with him. Furthermore, because God is just, he will judge us for our sins — and justice demands that we be condemned to hell forever for our sins.
God became a human being, Jesus Christ, and died for the sins of the world. Just as a criminal in court can be let go if someone else pays his fine, Jesus’ death paid the fine for our sins. Then, Jesus came back to life. Just as he rose from the dead, we can have new life. Though we are guilty of sin and deserving of hell, we can be released from our penalty and once again have a relationship with God, glorifying and enjoying him forever. This starts here on earth and continues for eternity in heaven.
We must repent from our sins and believe in Jesus’ death and resurrection. The gift of salvation from hell, and eternal life with God, is available, but it’s not automatic. The only way to receive this gift is to trust entirely in Jesus Christ. You can do nothing to be saved, but Jesus already did everything to save you. That’s why just before he died he said, “It is finished.” Trust alone in him, and you will have eternal life.
When God saves someone, he utterly changes that person. It’s what Jesus called being “born again.” Someone who has been born again desires to live a life of obedience to God, including learning his Word (the Bible) and living in fellowship with his people (the Church).
That’s where a church like us comes in.
We are a Southern Baptist church founded in 1962 and situated in the City of West Buechel, which is seated in the heart of the Louisville Metro area. This once-prominent area of the city suffered significant decline in recent years, resulting in many churches and businesses closing their doors.
However, also during this time, the city increasingly became home to refugees from Iraq, Syria, West Africa, Burma, and other regions. This influx of new people groups has contributed to a revitalization of businesses in the area.
Unfortunately, revitalization has not likewise been the reality for the local churches. The trend has been that when churches in the city close, Muslim mosques and Hindu temples acquire the properties left vacant. This has left a need for a church in the area that preserves the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
At the 2019 Southern Baptist Convention’s annual meeting, Ronnie Floyd, president of the Executive Committee, cast a vision for the future of the denomination: ‘the Southern Baptist Convention must have the clear vision of becoming the most multigenerational, multiethnic and multilingual denomination in the United States, committed to presenting the gospel of Jesus Christ to every person in the world and making disciples of all nations.’
God has brought the nations to our doorstep in the City of West Buechel. It is no coincidence that the nations from which the refugees in this area are fleeing are some of the toughest to take the gospel into. People are fleeing the bondage of the effects of the false gospels that have entrapped them, and the Lord has brought them here.
At Bashford Manor Baptist Church we want to see the church reflect the makeup of its surrounding community. We want to see this church experience revitalization like that of the surrounding community. And we want to see the surrounding community impacted and transformed by the gospel.
Consistent with the vision of the Southern Baptist Convention, and given the changing demographics of our neighborhood, Bashford Manor Baptist Church has the potential to be a gospel-centered ‘multigenerational, multiethnic and multilingual’ church — a diverse congregation reflecting the makeup of believers described in Revelation 7:9:
“a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb...”
Our core values are threefold:
Gospel Proclamation (Rom. 10:14): From the pulpit and in Community Groups, everything we teach revolves around the person and work of Jesus Christ.
Gospel Unity (John 17:20-23): As we reflect the diversity of our neighborhood, Christ will be magnified as his gospel unites us as one body.
Gospel Witness (Acts 1:8): As we are transformed, we will take the transforming message of Christ with us everywhere we go.
If I can serve your ministry by writing content for your website, let me know!
—Anthony Langer